Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It's been a year since my last post. I bet you never thought I would be back! So many things going on right now and I am not sure where to start. I guess the biggest new thing we have is our newest dog Stanley. He is currently our foster to adopt but hopefully we will be finalizing on him soon. He is the best dog and we are so lucky to have found him. He and Wiggles are best friends and they help each other with their separation anxiety.  Wiggles is still her punky self but she has calmed down so much since Stanley (aka Bug) came into our house. He has only been here since the end of February but cannot imagine our family without him. I will get some pictures up of him and Wiggles because they are so cute together.

I am sure you have noticed that there is a name change to the blog. The Murray Milestones will be about our little family and the activities that we do together and enjoy. I will keep everyone updated with what is going on as we navigate married and family life.

So kick back and enjoy our blog! :)