Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring cleaning---1 month early.....

I may have mentioned this before but not all of this blog will be about weight loss but I will try to update on that every post. This past weekend Adam and I did some serious cleaning around the house. I have to admit that this winter I have done a horrible job of keeping up on household duties. Partly because of work and school but mostly because after fighting the snow and muck and everything we have had this winter I just am too tired to get off my couch!  I am not the greatest housekeeper to begin with but I also hate when my kitchen and living room are a mess becuase those are the rooms I am in the most during the hours I am awake. Anyway, one of my best friends from college Katie came to visit this past weekend and I honestly did not want her to see my house in its natural Adam and I did a big clean-up of the house. It is amazing how clean our house is and it only took us a couple of hours. I am also always amazed at how much better I feel when my house is clean. It is amazing how when your surroundings are sloppy and messy that it effects your outlook and actually can cause you stress. And we are actually keeping up with it. One thing that I find really annoying is that I feel like sometimes I have to follow Adam around and pick up after him sometimes and to this day I cannot understand why he wants to put his work clothes on my dining room chairs. Really? I want your smelly gross BK clothes in my dining thanks! That has gotten a little better but just because when I get home I just take it back to one of the bedrooms....he doesn't even complain about it anymore. I guess after almost 4 years of living together he is just giving up on that fight. If only I could get him to put his clothes in a hamper. I figure I will save that battle for another time.

One of the big things that happened for us in February house wise is that we got new carpet for our office! We were finally able to put up our new desk that we bought at Staples the day after Thanksgiving. I have already gotten to work from home while using my new desk which has been pretty cool so far. And it is so much more comfortable in that room that it was before. It is amazing what new paint and carpet can do for a room. I am now getting excited to get new carpet in our living room and hallway. Hopefully we can get that in June.

Another bit of good news this month is that after 5 months of mostly closing shifts Adam finally has 3 opening shifts and only 2 closing shifts a week! Also we finally have Friday and Saturday nights together every week! I am just so happy to finally get some quality time with him!

No big news on the weight loss front. I did gain one pound back but I have been put on some medication that should help me lose weight. I will write more about this in my next blog.

Well off to fold some laundry...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

End of winter blues

I know it is been a long time since I have blogged and I wanted to give an update on how things are going. First off the good news…I have lost 4 pounds since the beginning of the year. I am happy with this accomplishment since I had gained so much weight since my surgery. My one year of my surgery was on January 28th I am still having issues with my back but they are not like they used to be and I know that the issues I am still having are my fault since I have not worked on getting my core stronger. I know that is most of what my issues with my back is and it is totally controllable. So my new work out goal is to start working on strength training and not just cardio. Also my food choices are one area that I am not doing so well in. I do very well during the day while at work because I pack a healthy lunch and breakfast. I also choose my snacks well and I am normally not hungry. That is until I get home and there are more snacks that I can eat and so I do. That is one thing I really need to work on is not eating when I get home and ruining my whole day. So hopefully in my combination of working out and eating right I can continue to keep losing weight and get back on track by summer!

Thanks for reading my vents. I think they can only be described as the end of winter blues!