Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quick post

I will blog more tomorrow and just wanted to let everyone know! It has been a crazy week and it spills into the next 2 weeks. But I will share this in the next post! Hope everyone has a great weekend and stay cool!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer concert update!

As I mentioned in a previous post I bought alot of concert tickets for this summer! Well we are halfway done with the concerts at this point!

The first one we went to was Jason Aldean at Verizon. I was not too familiar with Jason Aldean and his music but now I am a fan! He is a great entertainer and he is super cute! The concert was alot of fun. The weather was ok. It looked like and felt like it was going to rain for most of the night, but it never did which is good. In fact I just downloaded a bunch of Jason Aldean music on ITunes. What did we do without Itunes before? haha. Here is the only picture I took at Jason Aldean. Sara and I look like we are having fun! :) (The guy behind us doesn't haha)

The 2nd concert of the summer was every girl born between 1976-1992's dream concert. It was NKOTBSB. In case you do not know what that stands for it was New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys together. On one stage! Jordin Sparks opened for them and she was really good. But the concert was awesome! We were at the United Center in Chicago for that one. I went up with my friends (who are actual sisters and sorority sisters of mine) Kara and Emily. It was so much fun! We obviously stayed up in Chicago. We also made a trip to Ikea while in Chicago! That was my second trip to Ikea and it is definitely one of my favorite places to go! But I have to say I am glad it is not in Indy because I know that is where all my money would go!

2 weeks ago we went to Kenny Chesney. First we tailgated and drank before going into the concert. That was alot of fun. The truck next to us had a Tiki bar set up. Apparently when I went into the concert I missed the squirt gun full of rum and the jell-o shots. The concert was great and he even brought up Brad Stevens the coach of Butler to sing with him! So cool.

Next Sunday is the start of 3 concerts in 9 days! First is Tim McGraw at Verizon, then back to Verizon for Rascal Flatts the next Saturday. Adam is going to that one with us. Then the next Tuesday is NKOTBSB in Indy!

July is by far going to be our craziest month! The weekend of the fourth I had a 3-day weekend and we went to the pool, cleaned our house and had a little get together for the fourth. Of course I did not take any pictures for that because sometimes I remember my camera and other times I totally space it! It was a nice get together with some of our good friends. We also went out to dinner on Saturday night with Adam's parents.

At the end of July Adam and I are headed to Virginia for the Ward family reunion. My dad is taking us. It should be fun. I have not been to Virginia since I was a teenager and I am looking forward to Adam seeing where my grandpa came from. It is absolutely beautiful down there but it is in the sticks which I love! I am going to load my Ipod up with plenty of country music for the trip down! :) Good thing Adam likes country! :)

August is a quiet month and then September starts the month of traveling Adam and I are going to do! But more on that later! :)

So that is last couple of weeks and next couple of weeks! :)


That is about how I am feeling right now and I am not sure what to post. But I know I need to post since I haven't in a few weeks. This summer has just been super crazy busy. Everyday is pretty much planned out to the minute which is good because I like to be busy but it would sometimes be nice to do something spontaneoous too! Because I am working out with my training classes on Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays I hardly have time to go to the pool. Which for me is a bummer. Normally by this time in the summer I have a nice rich tan going on but not this year. Today after I get off work Adam and I are headed to the pool. We already made this unanimous decision on our way home from dinner last night!

On Thursday I was ready to blog about how I have not had any backpain in awhile since I have started working out more. Washing my hair in the shower this is exactly what I am thinking. back feels really good right now. Well around 2 hours later I am sitting at work in excruiating pain. Its not that my back went out but it just tightness and pain from the workout that I did on Wednesday. So instead of doing the cardio circuit with the group on Thursday I walked the treadmill for 45 minutes. It was not what I wanted but I can't push my back any farther than my body will allow. I always feel heavier when I have pain. I guess it is because my self-esteem starts to lower for some reason. Also I start to get whinier than usual. Good thing Adam is used to this..ha. It is slowly starting to feel better. Friday I did a quick walk on the treadmill to try to further stretch it out and it seems to hurt less. Today sitting at my desk in the office will be a true test. On my breaks I will get up and do things like sort laundry and shower and load the dishwasher. The joys of working from home! :)

Before I hurt my back I was not doing so well with the C25k. Hopefully on Monday I can start doing it again. I am less than 3 months away from turning 30. There have been some subtle changes I have noticed lately though. First my arms are starting to look better. They are not wonderful but I felt comfortable in the new dress that I bought to go without anything over it. Another is that I was looking in the mirror last night after brushing my teeth and my face is getting slimmer again! That is the one thing that really bothers me is when my face looks fat! But now it is starting to look slimmer. My stomach is also getting smaller. I know that will be the longest process because when I gain weight it is ALWAYS in my stomach first! The other day one of my friends was telling me that when I am pregnant the only place I will probably carry is in my stomach. Oh I know they are right which is why before we get pregnant I have to at least reduce the size of my stomach!

As I was saying earlier this summer is just buzzing along. In less than 2 months we will be on our vacation to Litchfield Beach. I am really looking forward to it this year because our nephew is going to be SO much fun! Also hopefully in the next two months I can really start to get some results. I started on a new dosage of Metformin that is an extended release tablet last week. I only have to take it once a day now and not 3 times like I was before. I have already noticed that I am less hungry. Metformin in people with insulin resistance causes weight loss and is supposed to suppress your appetite. So far so good this time around. So hopefully it will continue to not upset my stomach and help me to eat leass and get my insulin resistance under control by losing weight.

I am going to cut this post off here but I am going to post some concert updates later today.

PS:I also wanted to include a picture on this post of the new dress I bought at Old Navy the other day. I told you I bought a sleeveless dress and wanted to show it off!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Change is for the better sometimes.

Things are finally starting to move in a good direction. After last weeks breakdown and weight gain I decided I am going to make some positive changes in my life. I have been doing very well with the whole eating before 7 thing. I think the only night this week that I didn’t do it was Monday. The one thing I have to get used to is working out after eating. I tend to get a little neauseaus while working out really hard after I have eaten. It is definitely something I will get used to. Also this week I restarted Couch to 5k. (C25k) On recommendation from a friend I downloaded the C25k app on my Ipod touch. It is amazing! I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is wanting to try the program. Before when I started it I was looking at my watch and trying to figure out when to run and when to walk. The C25k app tells you when to run and when to walk over your music on your Ipod.

But I think that these two changes have made it possible for me to say that I lost 3 pounds this week!! I am so elated that I lost that much! But I am realistic and know that I have sooo much farther to go but 3 pounds is definitely a start.

Now since working out with Jacquie started a month ago I have tried some new things that I am loving! First off is the running shorts that I bought at Old Navy. They are so comfortable and lightweight. Perfect for running and doing circuit training. The shorts are the womens mesh shorts. They are currently down to really small sizes on the website so hopefully they will get more in because I love them! I also bought a sports bra from Old Navy that I am going to try today. I will let everyone know how those work!

While in the gym I heard my trainer and some of the other people talking about FUZE juices. So I thought I would check them out. The FUZE slenderize juices are amazing and they are as low as 15 calories per bottle! Its not like one of those other drinks that is like 15 calories but there are 3 servings in the bottle. I am drinking one with breakfast in the morning and I love them. Adam even likes them too. CVS has had them 5 for $3 for the last 2 weeks so we are well stocked on them.

Today is day 2 of C25K. I am feeling stronger and better than I have in a long time. Honestly I have not felt this good since before my wedding! It is a great feeling and is definitely keeping me moving.