Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Updates, updates, updates!

Wow! It has been a long time since I have blogged!  I know I still have not blogged about Vegas and I have also not blogged about our other vacation to South Carolina. I promise I will do that tonight when I get home and have access to pictures. Well anyway things have been going pretty well in the Murray household.  Thanksgiving is behind us and we are moving full steam ahead into the Christmas season. It is even supposed to snow today! YIKES! 
Well first off the weight loss is still going slow. I have been working pretty hard at the gym but I have not been working so hard at my diet. Honestly if I could get that under control I would probably lose a TON of weight! I am honestly working on the diet thing and am trying to see how much weight I can lose in the 3 weeks before Christmas. If I stick to my diet I should be able to do well. I did have a slight setback last week. I am pretty sure that I have a stress fracture in my right foot. The xray did not show anything but stress fractures do not always show up on x-rays. So I have been taking it easy and not doing anything to hurt it recently.  Hopefully it will heal and I will stop having pain.
Another new development is that Adam started a new job on November 7th.  He is working at IU Health Saxony which is IU Health’s new hospital. This is a very positive change for us as a family. Hopefully we can get everything worked out and Adam and I can be on more of a normal schedule with each other. Already I have had evenings at home with my husband which I have not had in a very long time. It is so nice!
We had a great Thanksgiving. It was the first one since Adam’s grandma passed away so it was sad but I am sure she was looking down and smiling at the family she created. My family had Thanksgiving at my grandma’s house and it turned out great. Their new addition is very nice and it accommodated the family well.  Next year we may have to consolidate down to one Thanksgiving. We will see.  No black Friday mega shopping for me this year. My mom and I went to Hamilton Town Center on Friday but we did not go until later in the morning.  Later that night we went to see the Muppet movie. It was really good.   Over the weekend I worked and Adam put up Christmas nights. He did a great job. I got out the Christmas decorations and we are going to put up the tree tonight.  I am pretty much done with Christmas shopping for Adam.  I just need to get the stocking stuffers. I also need to start on our families gifts!   Yesterday was my  mom’s birthday and we went to the mall again (seeing a theme?) and went out to lunch at a place called The Local. It was really good food. Definitely would recommend it.
I will try to get the Vegas and SC posts up this week!  Be looking!

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