Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goals for 2012

I know it has been awhile since I have updated and I know I have said that I will update more and never have but this blog is going to be one of my goals for the year.  But I also have some other goals that I would like to do this year. When talking to Jacquie my trainer this morning I started thinking about what I would like to accomplish. There are many things that I would like to accomplish in the year or next couple of months. Here is a list of some of those things.
  1. I would love to look in the mirror and be completely satisfied with what I see.  I would say since my back surgery I have not really looked in the mirror and like what was looking back. That is not to say that I hate what I look  like. I am just unhappy with it. That is when I feel like I really started to spin out of control is around October 2009 when I really hurt my back. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin again.
  2. Speaking of my back—I would like to stop using it as my crutch . I feel like sometimes I am afraid to try new things because I am afraid it will hurt my back. I need to get over that fear and get out of my comfort zone. I feel like if I do not get out of my comfort zone then I will never accomplish anything.
  3. I would like to be at a healthy weight. Right now I am considered morbidly obese. I am not sure what a healthy weight for me would be but I would like to be at it.  It may  be just losing 50 lbs but it may be losing 100 lbs. I am not going to rely on what medical science says I need to be though because I still feel like everyone is different and my healthy weight is going to be different than another person around my size. I am going to rely on how I feel when I get there.
  4. This is really 2 goals in one. I would like to buy a smaller size and also to fit in everything in my closet. This kind of goes along with most of my other goals pertaining to my weight loss and other struggles but honestly would it not feel great to get in your closet and not have to avoid a certain outfit because it either does not fit or you do not like the way it looks on you.
  5. This is not a weight loss goal but I would like to figure out if I really want to go to school for respiratory therapy or if I want to do something else.  I told Adam that I am going to take classes this semester and continue with what I was planning but if I am still not sure after this semester I am going to take time out and decide what I want to do.
  6. Another goal that has to do with something other than weight loss is a family goal for us. I am hoping that we can put the house on the market and sell it this year. It is going to take some renovations and TLC before it will be ready to go up but I am hoping we can get it done this year.
  7. Going along with the weight loss I would like to be at a healthy weight to have a baby. This is something that we have been wanting for awhile now and I do not feel comfortable with getting pregnant at the weight I am at now. I am hoping once I lose some significant weight I will feel more comfortable and be able to get pregnant.  Having a baby or becoming  pregnant is  one thing I am hoping will happen this year but I am not going to freak out if it does not because it is something that is out of our control.
  8. This may sound strange as most of you know how obsessed that I am with Wiggles anyway but my goal this year is so spend more time walking and playing with her. Sometimes I feel like she gets neglected while I am working on other things around the house. I know she knows we love her but they do say that people with dogs that walk them regularly weigh less. So maybe it will work J
  9. Scrapbook and finish started projects. This is something that I neglect every year. Last year I started a project with organizing all my pictures and dating them and such and I have totally put it on the back burner in the last couple of months. So keeping up on printing pictures and marking them is important this year.
  10. Spending time with Adam. Sometimes this is something we take for granted, having our alone time. This year my goal is for us to do some fun thing s that we would not normally do.  Go to restaurants we would not normally try.  Go to some Indians games. Just have alone time since when we have kids we will not have a lot of alone time together for around 18-20 years.
  11. Spend more time with my friends.  I have been bad about this recently and would like to change.  Again when I have kids my relationships with my friends will change.
  12. Be able to run a 5K. Not that I would necessarily enter a race but I would like to be able to know that I can run one.  
  13. Work-out at least 5 times a week. This one will be a tough one but if I set my mind to it I can do it!

So here it is my goals for 2012. They are not in any particular order and don’t worry Adam will not be upset that Wiggles is before him in the goals.  That does not mean she is more important! In June I will try to update everyone on my goals and let everyone know how I am doing with them!  Hopefully I will be doing well. We will see J

Have a great 2012 everyone!


  1. Having these "goals" written down, and allowing others to see them might help. You might feel a little more responsible since others know what you plan for the year. Funny how a few of your align with some of my hopes and plans for the year. Specifically....walking the dog...being able to run a 5k, not the running but the ability...feeling comfy in my skin...I pray we both stay on track and don;t become overwhelmed with other events this year!

  2. Katie, I know it is a struggle, but, you can do this!!!!

  3. Lori--I think we need to do some working out together this year! :) Megan told me you were going to start doing Weight Watchers with her.

    Kara--we are staying in Noblesville--just want something bigger.

    Thanks everyone! Hopefully I will not let myself down this year!

  4. Katie you can absolutely do these goals! I use my back as an excuse too. I need to stop. I havent had serious back pain in a couple of years, but I'm always afraid trying something new or working out too hard will flare it up again. I just need to go for it.

    I have faith in you!

  5. Whoops. I forgot my name. LOL ^^ Silly me.
    ~ Mary

  6. It is easy to use the back as an excuse Mary! It is your main support for your body. Thanks everyone for the encouragement!
