Friday, July 1, 2011

Change is for the better sometimes.

Things are finally starting to move in a good direction. After last weeks breakdown and weight gain I decided I am going to make some positive changes in my life. I have been doing very well with the whole eating before 7 thing. I think the only night this week that I didn’t do it was Monday. The one thing I have to get used to is working out after eating. I tend to get a little neauseaus while working out really hard after I have eaten. It is definitely something I will get used to. Also this week I restarted Couch to 5k. (C25k) On recommendation from a friend I downloaded the C25k app on my Ipod touch. It is amazing! I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is wanting to try the program. Before when I started it I was looking at my watch and trying to figure out when to run and when to walk. The C25k app tells you when to run and when to walk over your music on your Ipod.

But I think that these two changes have made it possible for me to say that I lost 3 pounds this week!! I am so elated that I lost that much! But I am realistic and know that I have sooo much farther to go but 3 pounds is definitely a start.

Now since working out with Jacquie started a month ago I have tried some new things that I am loving! First off is the running shorts that I bought at Old Navy. They are so comfortable and lightweight. Perfect for running and doing circuit training. The shorts are the womens mesh shorts. They are currently down to really small sizes on the website so hopefully they will get more in because I love them! I also bought a sports bra from Old Navy that I am going to try today. I will let everyone know how those work!

While in the gym I heard my trainer and some of the other people talking about FUZE juices. So I thought I would check them out. The FUZE slenderize juices are amazing and they are as low as 15 calories per bottle! Its not like one of those other drinks that is like 15 calories but there are 3 servings in the bottle. I am drinking one with breakfast in the morning and I love them. Adam even likes them too. CVS has had them 5 for $3 for the last 2 weeks so we are well stocked on them.

Today is day 2 of C25K. I am feeling stronger and better than I have in a long time. Honestly I have not felt this good since before my wedding! It is a great feeling and is definitely keeping me moving.


  1. Way to go!!! I downloaded the C25K program awhile ago and just haven't started it yet.

  2. good to hear!! keep it up!! ps...i mix fuze with vodka all the time! drinking with less calories...awesome!

  3. Sarah-I would definitely recommend it! I am just happy I don't have to constantly look at my watch anymore!

    Leah-Thanks for the suggestion! I am always looking for an excuse to drink haha!

    Katie Murray
