Friday, January 27, 2012

End of January update!!

Wow—January has gone super fast! Here it is already the 27th.   Honestly this month has kicked my butt. School is keeping me busier than I anticipated and I still have so many online classes that I need to finish. I kind of bit off way more than I can chew in the online class department, but I am slowly getting them under control. I was able to get one class grade posted and it really helped my GPA. Here is hoping that I get good grades in the rest of these classes and my GPA continues to get higher!  I also am working very different hours right now than I am used to. Which is hard because I am working the same kind of hours as Adam but we are both so busy that it is hard to get time together, but we are working it out like we always do.  Sometimes I feel like I am just ready to have a normal marriage and time together but then I look at my married friends and very few of them have 24/7 to spend with their husbands anyways. I also remember that what we are doing right now is for the greater good and will benefit our family and future children someday.
Working out is going well. I am pushing along. I feel like I have been doing well but the scale is not reporting that.  For now I am just doing the best I can and hoping that someday the pounds will start to come off.  I also have to remember that I am battling something more than most people that are trying to lose weight with the PCOS. It is hard but I know I can get this weight off. I have done it before and I can do it again. Keeping my diet on track is the important part but also the hardest part. 
Well just wanted to give everyone an update. I am going back to the books. Hopefully I can get this online class over with this weekend which will take alot of the stress off.

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