Friday, January 27, 2012


A long time ago (like 20 years ago) I had a problem with eczema.  I can remember my ankle would get really itchy and the skin would get all scaly and red. I can remember being told not to itch it. My mom had a cream in a little jar in their bedside table that they would put on my ankle at night.  But all of a sudden it went away and except for a little patchiness here and there during the summer I did not have any outbreaks.
Fast forward to now: Starting in December I started getting patchy eczema on my hands. I thought nothing of it since it was close to Christmas and I was in the kitchen cooking a lot more. But it kept going so I went to the doctor and they prescribed a cream to put on it. By the time I went to the doctor it was on my stomach too.  Which once I put the cream on it started to go away.  Now I have it in a different place on my stomach.  It looks different this time now too. It also started on my legs. If anyone knows me one thing I do pride myself on is that I do not have fat girl legs.  I am able to wear shorts and I think I look good in them.   But now my legs look horrible. I am trying not to itch them although it is painful and itchy. And red.  I am frustrated and really need to go back to the doctor because I am afraid it is going to scar my legs.  Honestly I am scared that they are going to tell me that it is going to scar and that is why I am so afraid to go. Tomorrow I am going to go back to the Medchek that first gave me the cream. I know I probably need to go to my own doctor but honestly I think that I need to find a good dermatologist. My mom thinks that the stress from school and work and everything else is causing it to flare up so bad. Hopefully stress is all that is causing it because I can find something to help control my stress.  Hopefully I am wrong and overly paranoid and it really is not going to scar.  I know this post is a bunch of rambling but I needed to get this frustration off my chest!!

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