Friday, June 3, 2011

What happens after 30? is getting closer by the day!

As my friend Ashleigh said I am on a roll with the blogging recently. I have had 3 blogs in the last 2 days which equals half of the number of blogs that I did last year. Honestly I am now thinking about this blog and thinking it has some finality to it. After I turn 30 what am I going to do then? Ashleigh thinks that I should keep it going after I turn 30 on the progress I make with losing weight and staying in shape later. I was actually thinking the same thing. Great minds think alike! J There are some other things that I have bounced around and I am going to start experimenting with them on this blog and they may actually turn into a whole separate blog down the line, who really knows.

One thing I was thinking was more of a blog on what it is like to go back to school in my late 20’s early 30’s because let me tell you it has been an adventure. Now that I have switched over to Ball State I am a little out of my element as far as age. Those kids on campus look like babies compared to me! Just the little time I spent up there with the registering process in the spring made me realize that I am probably going to be the oldest or one of the oldest people in my classes. Maybe my experience with school and things that are going on with that will make an interesting blog on its own. That is why I am going to kind of start experimenting with that.

(Speaking of school, the summer semester is going well and I am just chugging along with it! I am hoping to be finished with one class by the end of the month. Which will put be 7.5 months ahead of schedule but I will save that for a different blog entry!)

Another idea I was thinking of that could be a totally different blog of its own is a blog about our house. I don’t know if any of my loyal (8) readers read any other blogs but I am obsessed with Young House Love. (  They have some great ideas about fixing up an older house and doing almost all of it on their own. Our house is definitely a work in progress at this point. We have made some really nice improvements to our house to make it suit our style a little better but we still have a lot more to go. I have done some really cool things with our decorating that I am pretty proud of and maybe I should start to put them on the web for others to enjoy and maybe inspire a project or two. The only problem is that I have a lack of before pictures mostly because I am a little overwhelmed with some of the work that needs to be done and just get frustrated and close the door. So blogging about it may help make the experience easier. So don’t be too surprised if you see some house pictures appear on the blog.

One of my friends, Jen, suggested that I blog about some of the books that I read. I am an avid reader even while in school I have always found time to read in my free time. I am a fast reader and I love to share what I read with my friends because I want them to have the same experience with a book that I did. So you may see some of those books creep up here on the blog also.

One thing that I have thought about blogging about is TV shows or movies that I watch. I know that I probably would not have time right now to dedicate a whole blog to it but maybe sometimes I will just do a blog update on “What are the Murrays watching this week” or something like that! Along the same lines if I see any other blogs that I would like to share or maybe spotlight some of my friends blogs on here in the future also.
One idea that may come up in the next year or so is a pregnancy and motherhood blog. No, I am not pregnant now but we are planning on a family in the very near future and I still enjoy reading other peoples blogs about this subject and the humor that some of the parents share. Like I said this blog is not going to be happening anytime soon and it might not be a blog at all. We will see.

I know on here I have shared some things that Adam and I have done together. I think as we start going down the road and settling into the starting a family phase that there may be a more of a separate blog for family life. Trust me I could probably have a whole blog on my our crazy pitbull! J  This summer you will probably see some blogs from our concert and vacation experiences!

So that is what has been on my mind lately in terms of the blogging. I have really enjoyed writing these blogs in the last couple of days and hopefully that motivates me to blogging more often. It is nice to have an outlet to put my crazy thoughts on.

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